Windows 7 64bit "backup in progress" when there is no backup in progress
I am having the same problem! I just took my PC to the rental place that I rent to own from and had the system returned to the factory settings because there was a problem with it slowing and blinking when the screen saver came up.. which it still does that but the slowing and programs not working freezing are not happening now that it was returned to factory settings. I am afriad that this will happen agian because it seems to do this every once and while but rarely and this is how it started before and then became so bad that I couldnt even use the laptop because it would freeze up and slow and never return to normal. I tried every scan and every option that I had looked up on here and nothing worked. I am a student at a onkine university and I could keep trying to fix it because I was losing precious time for school so my only option was to have it wiped. Now I have had it back for a month and I think that the battery died during a backup and therefore shutdown. Eversince then I have had the "backup in progress" message but it also will try running the backup I think because it will run really loud like how it does when backup is in process and this makes the programs freeze up and the internet explorer also slows and sometimes freezes up. I love windows 7 but not very familiar with it I had vista for a long time so i am used to that and I have never had the problems that I have now actually I have had the other laptop with vista on a acer for yrs and never had the problems that like I am having on windows 7 64bit on a HP G71-333NR, the acer laptop still until this day has no problems except that the internal plug for the keyboard fell out and I cant use it because of that. I have had several problems with the HP ... I dont know if it is the windows 7 64bit or what but this laptop is a lot of money and that is why I baught it for reliability and I dont have that because of these problems that are occuring in windows 7 that everytime I experience somthing it seems that a ton of others are too. I just want a normal running laptop that I have spend hours on trying to figure out what is causing the issues and come to find out there is nothing i can do.. I am going try what advice was given here on this thread, I did do a misconfig.exe and then cleared unchecked startup box on the general tab and then restarted and then it was gone the "backup message" but as soon as I did that I went and put the misconfig and chanded it back to the normal startup option and the message is now there again.
May 29th, 2010 11:08am

I did do a misconfig.exe and then cleared unchecked startup box on the general tab and then restarted and then it was gone the "backup message" but as soon as I did that I went and put the misconfig and chanded it back to the normal startup option and the message is now there again. Hi Mandy You cleared, unchecked the Startup Box and that message did not appear when you rebooted. This indicates that the "Backup in progress" message is being generated from something in the Start Up list. Open Control Panel and select the Action Center. In the Maintenence section you should see a box named Back Up your files. In that box, click the Turn off messages about Windows Backup. This should get rid of that message when you start the computer. You will still need to run and complete a backup of that computer, sometime in the future. Let us know if this helps. Thank You for using Windows 7 Ronnie Vernon MVP
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May 29th, 2010 8:22pm

Hi Ronnie, I will do that... I have kind of a stupid question but I am wondering why before they put my laptop to the factory settings.. I never ran a back up and i never saw the computer running in back up.. I thought that the back up was so you could go back and restore if you wanted.. I guess what I am asking is what is the back up for and when I recieved the laptop back I immediatly ran a back up and saved it to a disc and I think that I thought some how if I had problems with the laptop I could put in the disc and fix issues but I saw that there was another option to make a repair disc. Can you explain what back up, repair disc and system restore is and what they are for? I know some about computers but not that much and after reading some of the forums I think that I am confused now.. lol thanks Amanda
May 30th, 2010 7:56am

Hi Ronnie for some reason the message is still there after I turned off the messages.. I dont know what is going on
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May 30th, 2010 8:18am

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